City Climate Coach @ Futureproofed in Leuven, Belgium


+32 16 24 29 70

About Futureproofed

Futureproofed part of Sweco, a Leuven-based company (Belgium), is at the forefront of accelerating the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future for urban areas. With a firm belief that municipalities and cities can pioneer this change, we’ve developed Futureproofed for cities, a dedicated SaaS platform. We are looking for a City Climate Coach to champion this mission, ensuring optimal onboarding and retention of our city and municipal partners.

As a City Climate Coach, you’ll be the vital link between Futureproofed and the cities we support. Your guidance, expertise, and commitment will drive local governments to devise, implement, and refine their climate action plans using our platform.

Key Responsibilities

  • Support & Coach: deliver tailored support to municipalities, aiding them in designing, executing, and enhancing their climate action strategies via our SaaS-platform.
  • Training: organise and lead training sessions, equipping city officials and teams with knowledge on climate strategies, tools, and best practices.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: act as the mediator for dialogue between a myriad of stakeholders, including city officials, community groups, and businesses, to create a holistic approach to climate action.
  • Feedback Loop: work closely with our product team, channelling on-the-ground feedback to refine our platform and services.
  • Onboarding & Retention: ensure smooth onboarding for new cities onto Futureproofed for cities and employ strategies to bolster their long-term engagement and satisfaction.

Qualifications and Traits

  • Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Urban Planning, Public Administration, or a related field; advanced degrees are favourable.
  • Proven experience in, or with, municipalities, city planning, or related sectors. Prior experience in SaaS is a plus.
  • Native French speaker, with excellent command of English. Bilingual NL/FR or EN/FR is a plus.
  • Comprehensive grasp of the prevailing climate challenges and localised solutions.
  • Robust interpersonal and communication abilities.
  • Competence in handling multiple projects and stakeholders simultaneously.
  • A palpable passion for cultivating a sustainable future.
  • Empathetic nature, able to resonate with and cater to diverse municipal needs.
  • A collaborative spirit, yet also values independent thought.
  • Fluency with technology, especially SaaS platforms, given Futureproofed’s digital solution-centric approach.

Interested in this position?

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